
[F1 Shirt] Marketing

Marketing Mix Experiential Marketing Social Media Word of Mouth Out of Home (OOH) Advertising Public Relations SEM - Search Engine Marketing Events Thought Leadership Guerrilla Marketing Strategic Alliances Emails SEO - SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Definition: The ability to organically rank a website higher on search engines and acquire more visibility online. Expectations: To gain better visibility sustainable through providing valuable information that engages and drives prospects to visit your website or landing pages. This takes consistency and perseverance over a period of time. Examples: Blogs, videos, social media postings, directory listings, keywords (embedded on your website), metatags, alt tags, press releases. Frequency: An ongoing effort. The search engines change their algorithms constantly and it is important to create fresh and engaging content and multimedia touchpoints to keep rankings. COST EFFECTIVENESS

Posted By Blogger to F1 Shirt on 5/23/2017 12:10:00 pm


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