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Your post titled "F1 Shirt Customizing FREE LOGO" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "F1 Shirt
Customizing FREE LOGO" was flagged to us for review. We have determined
that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "FW: [Company Team] FW: [Company Team] FW: [Company Team] FW: [Custom Polo Shirt] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "FW: [Company Team]
FW: [Company Team] FW: [Company Team] FW: [Custom Polo Shirt] F1 Shirt |
Baju Korporat" was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it
violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "FW: [Company Team] FW: [Company Team] FW: [Custom Polo Shirt] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "FW: [Company Team]
FW: [Company Team] FW: [Custom Polo Shirt] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" was
flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our
guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "FW: [Company Team] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "FW: [Company Team]
F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" was flagged to us for review. We have determined
that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "FW: [Company Team] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "FW: [Company Team]
F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" was flagged to us for review. We have determined
that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "FW: [Custom Polo Shirt] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "FW: [Custom Polo
Shirt] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" was flagged to us for review. We have
determined that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "[Company Shirts] Post changed: F1 Shirt" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "[Company Shirts]
Post changed: F1 Shirt" was flagged to us for review. We have determined
that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "[Company Shirts] Post changed: F1 Shirt" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "[Company Shirts]
Post changed: F1 Shirt" was flagged to us for review. We have determined
that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "FW: [Custom Polo Shirt] F1 Shirt" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "FW: [Custom Polo
Shirt] F1 Shirt" was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it
violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "FW: [Custom Polo Shirt] F1 Shirt" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "FW: [Custom Polo
Shirt] F1 Shirt" was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it
violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "FW: [Company Team] FW: [Custom Polo Shirt] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "FW: [Company Team]
FW: [Custom Polo Shirt] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" was flagged to us for
review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have
unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "F1 Shirt Customizing FREE LOGO" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "F1 Shirt
Customizing FREE LOGO" was flagged to us for review. We have determined
that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "FW: [Company Team] FW: [Adidas Design Company] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "FW: [Company Team]
FW: [Adidas Design Company] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" was flagged to us for
review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have
unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "FW: [Company Team] FW: [Adidas Design Company] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "FW: [Company Team]
FW: [Adidas Design Company] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" was flagged to us for
review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have
unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "FW: [Custom Polo Shirt] [Baju Koprat] Post changed: F1 Shirt" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "FW: [Custom Polo
Shirt] [Baju Koprat] Post changed: F1 Shirt" was flagged to us for review.
We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "FW: [Custom Polo Shirt] [Baju Koprat] Post changed: F1 Shirt" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "FW: [Custom Polo
Shirt] [Baju Koprat] Post changed: F1 Shirt" was flagged to us for review.
We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "FW: [Company Team] FW: [Company Team] FW: [Adidas Design Company] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "FW: [Company Team]
FW: [Company Team] FW: [Adidas Design Company] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat"
was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our
guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "FW: [Company Team] FW: [Company Team] FW: [Adidas Design Company] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "FW: [Company Team]
FW: [Company Team] FW: [Adidas Design Company] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat"
was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our
guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "FW: [Adidas Design Company] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "FW: [Adidas Design
Company] F1 Shirt | Baju Korporat" was flagged to us for review. We have
determined that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Corporate Shirt Pattern


Corporate Shirt Pattern




Mencari Pembekal Uniform & Baju Korporat yang mampu memberikan harga menarik ?

Ya! Kami merupakan Pembekal Baju Korporat & Uniform yang beroperasi di Damansara Damai, Selangor.

Produk yang kami hasilkan amat berkualiti dan memenuhi kehendak pelanggan

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Kami juga menerima tempahan Uniform pejabat, T-shirt event, T-shirt crew, T-shirt kelab kereta, T-shirt kelab motor,T-shirt kelab sukan Dan banyak lagi.

Harga yang sangat berpatutan. Khidmat Sulaman Berkomputer & Printing juga Disediakan Terus Dari Kilang.

Waa..menariknya..nak order laa. Haa cepat tekan link di bawah


Your post titled "[New post] FMS006 – F1 SHIRT MAN SHORT SLEEVE" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "[New post] FMS006 –
F1 SHIRT MAN SHORT SLEEVE" was flagged to us for review. We have determined
that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "[New post] FMS006 – F1 SHIRT MAN SHORT SLEEVE" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "[New post] FMS006 –
F1 SHIRT MAN SHORT SLEEVE" was flagged to us for review. We have determined
that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team

Your post titled "[New post] FMS006 – F1 SHIRT MAN SHORT SLEEVE" has been unpublished


As you may know, our Community Guidelines
( describe the boundaries for what we
allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your post titled "[New post] FMS006 –
F1 SHIRT MAN SHORT SLEEVE" was flagged to us for review. We have determined
that it violates our guidelines and have unpublished the URL,
making it unavailable to blog readers.

Why was your blog post unpublished?
Your content has violated our Malware and Viruses policy. Please visit
our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more.

If you are interested in republishing the post, please update the
content to adhere to Blogger's Community Guidelines. Once the content is
updated, you may republish it at
This will trigger a review of the post.

For more information, please review the following resources:

Terms of Service:
Blogger Community Guidelines:


The Blogger Team